Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Wanderlust Workbook: Planning, Plotting and Financing

"Long-term travel and moving abroad is a pretty common dream, but gosh it's overwhelming! Where to even begin? There are so many logistical (and psychological!) hurdles! Let's get over them.

The Wanderlust Workbooks are a four part ebook series in which we'll talk about the nitty gritty of traveling for months at a time, quitting your job to move to a foreign country and making your travel dreams happen. In book numero uno, we'll tackle:

* Where you should go
* What you should do when you get there
* How to get a leave of absence from your job
* Failing that, how to increase the possibility of getting a job when you return
* How to save money for your trip
* What to do with all your stuff
* How to deal with nervous parents or negative nay-sayers
* How to deal with financial issues while you're traveling
* How to deal with medical issues while you're traveling
* Getting visas
* How travel through non-English speaking countries
* Having an awesome time while you're traveling
* Dealing with 'real life' once you get back

And you guys! There are heaps of charts and tables that you can fill in that will help you get organized and make concrete steps towards you travel goals! And a one year time line of what you need to be doing to get prepared!

For eleven dollars you get:
* 12,000+ words on planning your big trip or international relocation
* a one hour podcast
* a password to a one time, two-hour online chat with heaps other travelers where we can trade tips"

This looks to be very useful.